
Get Updates From your Favorite Blogs and Sites to Gmail using the Gmail Web Clips Feature.

If you spend a  lot of time on Gmail or use Gmail as your office email and would like to keep track of your favorite sites without leaving it then this tip is for you.

Gmail’s web clips feature can be configured to deliver updates from your favorite sites freeing you from the clutter in your Inbox which email subscriptions create.

The configuring process is pretty simple and straight forward.


Just Login to your Gmail Account and click on Settings which is located towards the top right


Under Settings click on the Web Clips tab, by default Gmail has a number of common feeds already added, remove all those which you are not interested in or else it would be difficult for you to follow your favorite feeds.


Enter the Feed URL of your favorite blog in the search field and click on search.


If successful you would now see the blogs name with a Preview under the search results, click on the Add button next to it and that's it you are done.


You would now receive updates to your Gmail account as and when the site is updated.

Like what you see, Subscribe to my feed in a reader. Don't know what a feed reader is then check out this Excellent Video.


Startup Sounds of Windows, Mac and Linux Ubuntu Operating Systems

Desktop Layout and Startup sounds of Windows 1.01 to Vista.

Startup and Shutdown sounds of Windows 95-Vista Operating Systems

Startup Sounds of Various versions of Mac's

Linux Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake Startup sound

Linux Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon Startup sound

Like what you see, Subscribe to my feed in a reader.
Don't know what a feed reader is then check out this Excellent Video.

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