
All About The Middle Mouse Button

Do you know that you can do many other things with the middle mouse button (mouse wheel or scroll wheel) than just scrolling through web pages, read on to know the things that you can achieve by using the middle mouse button which would make the time you spend online more productive.

Here are the tips for you to achieve that:

Middle click/Mouse wheel click on a Link opens it in a New Tab.

Middle click/Mouse wheel click on a Bookmark on your Personal Toolbar will open it up in a New Tab.

Middle Click/Mouse Wheel Click on a folder will open all the bookmarks in the folder in a new Tabs.

Middle Click/Mouse Wheel Click on a Tab will close that Tab.

Middle Click/Mouse Wheel Click on a History item will open the page in a new Tab.

Middle Click/Mouse Wheel Click on the Back and Forward buttons will open the last/next page in a new Tab.

Middle Click/Mouse Wheel Click on the Home button will open your homepage in a new Tab(s).

Middle Click/Mouse Wheel Click on a folder will open all the bookmarks in the folder in a new Tab(s).

Be Warned that this would close the all other tabs that you have presently open, without giving you any warning.


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